Merry Christmas! Dakota was very happy when she opened up the box. Thank you and have a happy new year!
Thanx @solefoodny_ this is the best Christmas gift u can ever wish for!
The Oreo 5's have arrived on time just like you said. Thanks again. I can't wait for the Bel Air's to get here. Thank you so much. Expect more service from me in the future.
Got um thx!! Looking forward to doing much more biz thx again.
Just got my retro 13's from your web site I LOVE THEM! Next on my list are GAMMA BLUE 11! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and will be buying several other shoes in the future!
I just wanted to let you know that I am very grateful to have these shoes. I appreciate your business and look forward to making future purchases with you.
I was just TOO thirsty to wait for the mailman to come. But #NEWHEAT this just in added to the collection. AJ Low Concord 11s S/O to @solefoodny_ for the quick shipping. Happy Customer
I love your service. I will be ordering again soon.
Thanks a lot. I love the great customer service, and promptness you guys have. :)