
Merry Christmas! Dakota was very happy when she opened up the box. Thank you and have a happy new year!

Lolita L. | Maryland

Thanx @solefoodny_ this is the best Christmas gift u can ever wish for!

Mohamed C. | Gamma Giveaway Winner

The Oreo 5's have arrived on time just like you said. Thanks again. I can't wait for the Bel Air's to get here. Thank you so much. Expect more service from me in the future.

Arrington W. | Mississippi

Got um thx!! Looking forward to doing much more biz thx again.

Blake C. | Minnesota

Just got my retro 13's from your web site I LOVE THEM! Next on my list are GAMMA BLUE 11! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and will be buying several other shoes in the future!

Francisco L. | Texas

I just wanted to let you know that I am very grateful to have these shoes. I appreciate your business and look forward to making future purchases with you.

Richard D. | Chicago

I was just TOO thirsty to wait for the mailman to come. But #NEWHEAT this just in added to the collection. AJ Low Concord 11s S/O to @solefoodny_ for the quick shipping. Happy Customer

@airtrizzo | Instagram

I love your service. I will be ordering again soon.

Heavyn W. | Florida

Thanks a lot. I love the great customer service, and promptness you guys have. :)

Demetrice L. | Louisiana